Monday 24 May 2010

British Summer

Wow, the summer has actually reared its head in England! After the longest, coldest most evil winter ever, the Sun has appeared out of nowhere and is now proudly heating up this country something wonderful.
Since I'm on study leave at the moment, I've actually had time to spend in the sun. I had sociology this morning and then went and sat on King George's feild with a few people, played music from my iPod (my baby) and just had a good old chat. It's actually boiling here... I can't work out whether I like it or not. I think I do though. I can finally ditch the minging coat and throw on something sleeveless and just chill out!

PLUS this Saturday... MCM!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited; I'm going dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl (cringe), only because I can't afford a proper outfit this year. However in October I may cosplay the pink one in this image, Kasane Teto.
Then I think two other friends will cosplay the two other girls; Akita Neru and Hatsune Miku. It should be good :D

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